Storybooks have been produced in 11 languages (adding English and a limited number of isiMpondo to the nine indigenous languages that the Graded Readers have been produced in).
Fiction and non-fiction storybooks have been developed with increasing levels of difficulty starting with First Words for new readers becoming more complex up to Longer Paragraphs for more capable readers. When children are provided with texts which they can mostly read, their sense of control and autonomy increases, leading to improved self-efficacy! The Read Aloud storybooks are aimed at caregivers or educators to read to young children, as well as encourage independent reading among more advanced readers.

Designed to provide fun stories that offer an escape from the real world and into imaginary worlds while also helping children learn how to read and encourage a love of reading. The stories are fun and engaging and the themes are aligned with the Foundation Phase CAPS Life Skills Curriculum.

Non-fiction stories are factual and informative. They are designed to represent material about subjects, whether the subject is trees or local icons. The range of non-fiction books available helps children learn to read while also encouraging a love of knowledge.