Meet our Funder
The Zenex Foundation is an independent education grant-maker established in 1995 to improve teaching and learning outcomes in language and mathematics in South Africa.
The national challenge in literacy and reading in South Africa is recognised by the Department of Basic Education (DBE) and in the many systemic projects initiated by donors. The 2021 Progress in International Reading Literacy Study (PIRLS) found that 81% of Grade 4 South African learners cannot read for meaning.
Zenex Foundation understands the importance of language competence, in particular home language, as critical in learner achievement. The Foundation’s commitment to developing African language materials has been pioneering from as early as 2010 when Zenex commissioned Molteno to create the Vula Bula series – a reading series of 32 readers aimed at teaching learners to read in their home language in Grades 1–3. The Ulwazi Lwethu collection complements the Vula Bula series.

Ulwazi Lwethu was initiated by the Zenex Foundation as both Funder and Project Manager, working in collaboration with Project Partners, to address the following:
- Producing a variety of readers in African languages that build the foundational reading and comprehension skills of children and encourage a rich and diverse culture of reading.
- Building a supply of skilled Black writers, illustrators, proof-readers and editors in African language children’s materials as an element of capacity building has been incorporated in the materials development process.
- Ulwazi Lwethu focuses on the nine official indigenous languages in South Africa. In the development of the readers, alignment and synergy has been sought with the CAPS; the lesson plans being used by Early Grade Reading Study, Programme to Improve Learning Outcomes and the National Education Collaboration Trust; the Phonics Plan (developed by the DBE Language Directorate); and The Draft National Framework for the Teaching of Reading in African Languages (DBE document).

The Zenex Foundation believes a solid foundation at the Foundation Phase with home language literacy is critical to setting the basis for further learning and development. An essential but missing requirement is adequate reading material in African languages. The development of appropriate reading materials through the Ulwazi Lwethu project will contribute towards ensuring a reliable and consistent supply of high quality graded and leisure readers for Foundation Phase learners to strengthen reading and ensure sufficient practice in reading.
With the appropriate reading support materials and effective reading instruction, learners will be better equipped to learn to read.
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